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What Do You Know about Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

from CIRS by


During the import & export declaration, different commodities may have to provide different certificates, including Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies. Then, what do you know about the License? CIRS will give an introduction to the Import & Export License for Dual-use Item and Technologies as follows:

What is Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

The Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies can be divided into two types: Import License for Dual-use Items and Technologies and Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies. The licenses are issued for items and technologies subject to management of relevant administrative regulations as well as the items and technologies subject to temporary and special control.

Management Catalog

Management Catalog of Import License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

  • Items included in the List of Chemicals subject to Supervision and Control under the Relations on Administration of Chemicals subject to Supervision and Control
  • Precursor Chemicals;
  • Radioactive isotope;

Management Catalog of Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

  • Items and technologies included in the nuclear export control list;
  • Items and technologies included in the list of dual-use nuclear goods and related technologies for export control;
  • Items and technologies included in the list of dual-use biological agents and related equipments as well as technologies for export control;
  • Items included in the list of chemicals subject to supervision and control under the Regulations on the Administration of Chemicals subject to Supervision and Control;
  • Items and technologies list of chemicals, equipments and technologies for export control;
  • Items and technologies included in the list of missiles and missile-related items and technologies for export control;
  • Precursor chemicals
  • Part of dual-use items and technologies;

Application Scope

Import License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

1. Dual-use items included in the Management Catalog of Import License for Dual-use Items and Technologies, which include chemicals subject to supervision and control, precursor chemicals as well as radioactive isotope;

2. Mixtures containing precursor chemicals (excluding pharmaceutical compound preparation containing precursor chemicals)

3. Dual-use items and technologies subject to temporary import control under the Provisions for the Administration of Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies;

Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies

1. Dual-use items and technologies listed in the management Catalog of Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies, which include nuclear, dual-use nuclear products and relevant technologies, dual-use biological agents and relevant equipments and technologies, chemicals subject to supervision and control, chemicals and chemical-related equipments and technologies, missile and missile-related items and technologies, as well as large, medium and small size computer;

2. Mixtures containing precursor chemicals (excluding pharmaceutical compound preparation containing precursor chemicals)

3. Dual-use items and technologies subject to temporary export control;


  • When importing, exporting, transiting or transporting the items and technologies included in the Management Catalog of Import/Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies, consignors, consignees and well as the agents should go through the Customs inspections by taking the Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies issued by the competent authorized organs under the Ministry of Commerce;
  • Normally, the validity period of Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies will not exceed one year and will be expired automatically afterwards. In special cases, the maximum period of validity shall not exceed March 31 of the next year;
  • Once issued, holders of the License shall not alter the License without authorization. If holders do need to revise the License, they shall submit applications for the import & export approval to the competent authority, and apply for a new license by taking the original license as well as the import & export approval;
  • “One License, One Customs” will apply for Import & Export License for Dual-use Items and Technologies, that is to say, related enterprises should complete the Customs clearance at one direct Customs only.

CIRS warmly reminds that when it comes to the products regarding dual-use items and technologies, related enterprises should fill in the documents carefully, and pay attention to the validity period of the License to make sure to complete the Customs clearance smoothly.

If you have any needs or questions, please contact us at

Further Information

China to Implement New Export Control Regulations for Dual-Use Items from December 2024


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