Food & Food Contact Materials
CIRS Group
Medical Devices
C&K Testing
Carbon Neutrality
In order to help enterprises better understand the application of GM food raw materials in Europe, China, and the United States, CIRS is launching this webinar to introduce the application process and materials required, and share our experiences.
The U.S. is an expansive market for new food ingredients but accessing it takes knowledge about its regulatory requirements. Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) substantiation is one common regulatory pathway businesses can choose to ensure their ingredient complies with U.S. standards. We will cover important points that are unique to the U.S. GRAS process and that need to be considered for long-term business success.
This webinar aims at introducing the latest regulations regarding health food, the process and requirements for change of health food registration certificate for products with no validity period and technical requirements, to assist businesses in gaining a better understanding of health food regulatory requirements, thus supporting them in smoothly completing the renewal process within the five-year transition period.
We have made a list of free webinars scheduled for 2024 for your reference.
On November 23, 2023, we hosted a free webinar on the changes in the new standards for China food contact materials and articles food enterprises’ response. The playback of the webinar is now available. If you missed this webinar you can watch it free by following the link here. Many questions were raised during the webinar. We have collected the questions and made a Q&A summary as follows:
On September 25, 2023, China National Health Commission (NHC) issued 17 national standards for food contact materials. Among them, there are 5 product standards (ink, plastic, metal, rubber, composite materials) and 12 testing standards. In addition to the revision of the existing standards, new product standard and testing standards have been enacted, such as GB 4806.14-2023 ink standard. The series of standards released have brought significant changes to the regulatory requirements for food contact materials, and upstream and downstream enterprises in the food contact industry need to respond in time. CIRS Group will launch an online training session on November 23 to analyze the new regulatory requirements for food contact materials and help enterprises respond promptly and accurately.
According to the recent consulting situation from CIRS, we found that enterprises have asked more valuable questions related to FSMP, indicating that they are gradually comprehensive on this kind of products. In order to help consumers and enterprises to have a better understanding of FSMP registration-related affairs and its clinical trial requirements, CIRS Group will hold a webinar in June 14.
In order to help enterprises understand the application of new food additives (including GMM derivatives, enzymes, flavors, and nutrition enhancers) in China, CIRS Group will hold a webinar on May 24, 2023. Please refer to the following information for the specific time, content, and registration.
In order to help domestic and overseas enterprises have a better understanding of the key points to the preparation for new food raw material application, CIRS Group will hold a webinar in May 16, 2023. Please refer to the following information for the specific time, content and way of attending.
In recent years, due to the lack of awareness or understanding of Chinese food label regulations by food production and management enterprises (including import enterprises), non-standard product labels, non-compliant claims and false advertising and other irregularities often happened. Besides, in view of the increasing attention of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) to the regulation of false advertising of food, how to grasp the scale of advertising has also become a challenge faced by enterprises. Food production and management enterprises urgently need to learn the regulatory requirements of food labeling, but also to understand the publicity key points of food advertising in order to effectively avoid regulatory risks. Based on this background, CIRS holds this webinar to explain the key points of pre-packaged food labeling and grasp the scale of food advertising through case studies. In addition, CIRS will also introduce the revision progress of the of GB 7718, GB 28050 and other label regulations, so as to help enterprises better grasp the direction of future label regulations.