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China Solicits Feedback on GB 30000.1 Classification and Labelling of Chemicals—Part 1: General Specifications (Draft)

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On March 12, 2024, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the draft of the GB 30000.1 Rules for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals—Part 1: General Specifications for approval. Comments are welcomed before April 12, 2024.

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GB30000.1-2024 Classification and Labelling of Chemicals—Part 1: General Specifications was officially released on July 24, 2024. This standard will take effect from August 1, 2025.

China,GHS,SDS,Labeling,Classification,GB 30000,Standards

The draft aligns with UN GHS Rev. 8 and is set to replace the General Rules for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals (GB 13690-2009).

The standard covers the following parts, including:

  • Terminology and definitions;
  • Hazard classification for chemicals;
  • Labeling; and
  • Safety data sheets.

In terms of labeling requirements on transport packaging, the UN TDG shall prevail.


The following products are exempted from the labeling requirements, including:

  • Pharmaceuticals,
  • Food additives,
  • Cosmetics, and
  • Pesticide residues in food intended for ingestion.

However, compliance is required if there is potential worker exposure or during transportation.

Compared to GB 13690-2009, the principal modifications are as follows:

1. The latest revisions have incorporated the GHS Rev. and UN RTDG-MR Rev.22 as referenced documents, while removing references to "GB/T 22272GB/T 22278."

2. Adjustments have been made to the regulations on the classification of chemical hazards: Under 4.1.1 Hazard categories, a) Physical hazards now include desensitized explosives.

3. An informative Annex A "Definitions and Acronyms Specified in GHS" has been added.

Download the Chinese version of the standard in our ChemRadar.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via

Further Information

Official Notice

China to Revise the Rules for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

China GHS

GB30000.1 FAQs(Q).pdf


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