In order to improve the compliance of REACH registration, ECHA is to evaluate 20 % of registration dossiers in each tonnage band. According to ECHA, the current 5% minimum target for compliance checks will be raised to 20% of registration dossiers in each tonnage band.
The increased target is part of ECHA’s joint action plan to address the lack of compliance in registration dossiers and encourage industry to improve their safety data on chemicals.
ECHA aims to screen all registration dossiers submitted by the 2018 deadline.
- by 2023 for substances registered over 100 tonnes per year;
- and by 2027 for substances in the tonnage band 1-100 tonnes per year.
The compliance of at least 30% of substances will also be checked. These substances include,
- Substances with hazardous properties,
- Substances where more data needs to be generated to conclude a potential risk.
- Etc.
Similar substances will be assessed in groups to gain efficiency and ensure that proposals for further regulatory action are consistent. For high tonnage substances, ECHA will conclude by the end of 2020 whether they are a priority for risk management, for data generation or currently of low priority for further action.
To meet these targets, ECHA carry out other actions including simplifying compliance check decisions, increasing enforcement, interaction with industry associations to make sure registrants step up their compliance efforts, and establishing a transparent monitoring system of the progress made.
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