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REACH Registration numbers granted to 32515 registrations

from ECHA by

REACH,Chemical,Registration,Dossier,Completeness Check,ECHA

Registration numbers have been granted to 32 515 dossiers out of the 33 363 dossiers that were submitted by the final REACH registration deadline on 31 May. These registrations cover 10708 chemicals. The other dossiers still lack information and ECHA is waiting for companies to update them before granting registration numbers.

Under REACH, ECHA has to check the completeness of each registration within three months of the registration deadline if the registration for an existing (phase-in) substance was submitted in the last two months before the deadline. The completeness check aims to verify that all the elements required by law have been included in a registration dossier. ECHA completed this task for the 2018 registrations by 31 August.

The vast majority of companies were able to submit complete dossiers. For those dossiers that have not been completed, ECHA is waiting to receive further information from companies. These include 477 cases where companies faced exceptional circumstances as defined by the Directors’ Contact Group (DCG). They submitted their dossier with a DCG solution and were granted an extension for submitting the missing information. The Agency expects to conclude on all pending cases by May 2019. Around 1 % of REACH 2018 dossiers have been rejected so far.

The non-confidential data of 99.7% of all completed registrations has already been published on ECHA’s website. The rest will be published shortly after they have been fully processed.

Since 31 May, ECHA has continued to receive dossiers for the tonnage band of 1 to 100 tonnes per year. These dossiers are not counted in the figures above. They may be submissions by latecomers that have missed the deadline. If this is the case, the companies are reminded that they can only continue to manufacture or import their substance after they have received the registration number from ECHA.

Keep your registration data up to date

ECHA reminds companies of their legal responsibilities to ensure the safe use of their chemicals, and to keep their registrations up to date to reflect, for example, the correct production volume, new uses, and the most recent safe use advice. Advice and information on what companies should do and consider will be made available in November, when ECHA launches phase 7 of the REACH 2018 Roadmap, Keep your registration up to date.

Registrants should also keep checking their REACH-IT account regularly for any communications from ECHA.

In 2019, an EU-wide enforcement project (REF-7) together with customs will examine the extent to which European companies have fulfilled their registration obligations.


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