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CIRS Attended ICMAD and PCPC Panel Discussion Regarding International Cosmetics Regulations

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On 29 Jul. 2019, ICMAD and PCPC jointly held a panel discussion regarding the hot topics of China, US and Canada cosmetics regulations in Cosmoprof North America. The top concerns include but not limited to animal testing ban, environmental impact of sunscreen ingredients, ingredients disclosure, etc. During the panel discussion, CIRS shared the latest info of China cosmetics regulations including the filing status of imported non-special use cosmetics at different local MPAs, progress of animal testing exemption, enforcement of Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulation, etc.

China,Cosmetic,Regulation,Animal Testing,Supervision,Non-special use cosmetic

The Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors (ICMAD) is a non-profit trade association supporting creative, innovative companies, from startups to established multinational businesses of all sizes. The ICMAD Cosmetic Technical/Regulatory Forum provides the attendees with information on specific topics and for expert assessments on the latest issues that have captured the attention of consumers, regulators, and the industry.

The Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) is the leading national trade association representing cosmetic and personal care products companies and serving as the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, legislative and international issues for the $250 billion global industry. PCPC’s Annual Meeting is the largest annual gathering of cosmetics and personal care industry executives, suppliers, and media professionals. More than 500 attendees will gather in Palm Beach to share insights about the global business, and policy challenges currently facing the industry.

CIRS is a leading product safety and chemical management consulting firm providing valued product regulatory compliance service, tailored solutions and original information to help clients gain competitive advantage by reducing business risks associations with regulatory affairs and removing barriers to entry.


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