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FAQs on Cosmetics Registration and Filing in China — Execution Standard

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We’ve translated a selection of some of the latest FAQs on cosmetics registration and filing in China with a focus on execution standard to help you understand the current requirements.

1. When the inspection methods adopted in the quality control measures for microorganism and physical and chemical indicators is inconsistent with that recorded in Safety Technical Standards for Cosmetics, how can I fill in the information?

According to Article 30(5) of the Provisions on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data, if the inspection method is adopted as the quality control measure, and the method adopted is inconsistent with that recorded in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics, the name of the inspection method shall be filled in. Besides, related parties should indicate whether they have verified the method by carrying out the inspections recorded in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics and they should also keep the complete inspection method and method verification data for future reference.

2. How to describe the sensory indicators of products using film formers as carrier materials?

According to Article 30 (4) of the Provisions on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data - Sensory indicators, indicators such as color, character, and smell of products shall be described respectively. For products film formers as carrier materials, colors and properties of the film formers as well as colors of solutions shall be described respectively.

3. One cosmetic ingredient is applied in different stages of production. How can I distinguish them when I have to fill the information in the “Product Executive Standard” section in general cosmetics filing management system?

You can distinguish them by making marks behind such ingredient. For instance, ingredient No. 3 is used in Step 1 and Step 2, so you can mark “No. 3 Part” in Step 1; and mark “No. 3 Remaining” in Step 2.

4. When a non-inspection method is adopted as the quality control measure, what should I pay attention to regarding the online filing?

According to the requirements of the Provisions on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data, if the non-inspection method is adopted as the quality control measure, specific implementation plans shall be clarified and the rationality of the quality control measures shall be explained to ensure that the products meet the requirements of the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics. In terms of online filing requirements, please refer to Table 3 and its remarks in Annex 16 of the Provisions on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data. 

5 Is it available to exempt the canning step from the production process brief?

According to Article 30 of the Provisions on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data, the production process brief should briefly describe the main steps of the actual production process, including feeding, mixing, filling, etc. If there is freeze-drying process, it should also be mentioned.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via

Further Information

FAQs on Cosmetics Registration and Filing in China – Cosmetics Efficacy

FAQs on Cosmetics Registration and Filing in China – Safety Assessments


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