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CIRS is Invited to Speak at Nutrition and Health China Industry Summit

from CIRS by

China,Food,Health Food,Nutrition,Supplement,Health Products

CIRS Group, as a partner of HPA-China, is invited to talk about the Latest China Regulations on Food Supplements and Ingredients at Nutrition and Health China Industry Summit 2019. Health Products Association – China (HPA-China) began hosting its Nutrition and Health China Industry Summit back in 2014. The first installment was held in Beijing. Then, the event has been moved to Shanghai and is positioned before HNC / FiAsia China Expo which is also held in Shanghai. HNC / FiAsia China Expo is one of the largest shows in China for finished supplements, health products and nutritional health ingredients. The combination of the summit and the expo give international visitors four days of unrivaled access to learn, share and network with Chinese industry experts, domestic and global leading brands as well as conduct some market research and seek out potential partners.

The detailed information of N&H Summit 2019 is as following:

Time: 8:30am – 6:00pm, June 17, 2019

Location: Regal International East Asia Hotel, 516 Hengshan Road Shanghai, China

Sponsor: Health Products Association – China (HPA-China)


08:30 – 09:00


09:00 – 10:30

  • ŸWelcoming Comments
  • ŸChina Nutrition & Health Industry Development, Import and Export Status
  • ŸLatest China Regulations on Food Supplements and Ingredients

10:30 – 11:00

Refreshment Network

11:00 – 12:00

  • ŸManufacturing Solutions for China and Beyond
  • ŸTrends in China’s Health Supplements Category

12:00 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:30

  • ŸSocial Media and Cross Border Strategies
  • ŸMarketing to Overseas Chinese
  • ŸConsiderations for a Legal Label / Professional Shoppers

15:30 – 16:00

Refreshment Network

16:00 – 18:00

  • ŸQuality Assurance in China
  • ŸGlobal Omega-3 Fatty Acid Trends
  • ŸGlobal Probiotic Trends
  • ŸPanel Discussion: State of the Industry


Summit Closing

Attendees will be from both international and domestic dietary supplement and nutritional health ingredient manufacturers, so there will be ample opportunities to network and explore business opportunities. Previous attendees include: Aker BioMarine, Alibaba, Bioriginal, Biostime, Blackmore’s, By Health, Canadian Consulate, Capsugel, Chr Hansen, DSM, Dupont, FenChem, Ganeden, GC Rieber Oils, Glanbia, Gnosis, GNC, Indena, Informa, InQpharm, Integria, Israel Consulate, Jarrow Formulas, Kaneka, KD Pharma, Kemin, Kerry Group, Lallemand, Lipa Pharmaceuticals, Lonza, Luhua BioMarine, LycoRed, Melrose, Meng Niu Diary, Merck, Nature Made, Nature’s Care, Nature’s Way, Nestle, New Hope Media, NSF International, Nutrition Depot, ONI Global, PharmaCare Labs, PuraPharm, RB China, Sanofi, Schiff, Shaklee, Shanghai Fosun, Shanghai Pharma, Sirio Pharma, Swisse, Tasly, TIENS, TSI Group, USA Health Supply, U.S. Consulate, VitaCo and many others. Seating is limited to 200, so register today to reserve your spot.


Regular Admission:


HPA – China Members:


Three or more people from the same company

12% discount is available

CIRS Speaker Information

Cathy Yu, General Manager of Food Division / Senior Food Regulatory Consultant, CIRS China


Tel.:+86 571 8720 6538

In addition to this, CIRS Group is also invited to exhibit at China International Probiotics Industry Summit to provide China food regulatory consulting services on site.


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