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Regulatory Compliance Procedure of Prepackaged Food in China


In recent years, more and more oversea companies export their food products to China positively. However, each year a large number of imported foods were destroyed or returned due to illegal food ingredients, unqualified product quality, incompliant Chinese label, etc. The rejection has brought unnecessary loss to import-export enterprises and the company credibility was influenced. In order to export food products to China successfully, relevant overseas companies shall pay attention to Chinese regulations, and make adequate preparations before exporting to China.

What is prepackaged food?

Prepackaged food refers to the foods prepackaged or made up in advance with a measured quantity in a container and have unified labeling of quality or volume within certain range.

Related laws, regulations and national standards

 (Please click regulation names to download)

Essential items of qualified imported prepackaged food:

  • Eligible food ingredients

  • Qualified product quality

  • Compliant original label and Chinese label

Product regulatory compliance procedure



Compliance operation


Product applicable national standard (GBs) analysis

Evaluate the product category and find an appropriate Chinese national standards (GBs) based on the formula, production process and etc.


Formula review

I. Analyze if all food raw materials and food additives are allowed to be used in this product.

II. Analyze if the dosages of all ingredients are compliant.


Label translation, review and generation

I. Translate the original information into Chinese;

II. Generate compliant Chinese label according to original information and Chinese regulations.

Nutrition test

I. The nutrition information report of imported food should be submitted during the first time importing, which includes the energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, sodium, added nutrients, and other nutrients with nutrition claims.


II. GB test in qualified lab before importing is an effective way to guarantee the product quality and avoid unnecessary rejection. For some foods, such as dairy products, vegetable oil, the GB test report is required to provide as well.

GB items test



Provide required documents for customs clearance, including contract, invoice, certificate of origin, and other relevant certificates.

Our Service

We provide professional and comprehensive food regulatory compliance services as follows.

  • Prepackaged food applicable Chinese national standards (GBs) analysis

  • Prepackaged food formula (raw materials and food additives) review

  • Prepackaged food label translation, review or generation

  • Prepackaged food nutrition test

  • Prepackaged food GB test

  • Regulation updates monitoring

  • Regulation training

  • Other customized services (Ad-hoc consulting service and etc.)


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