5 April 2016, CIRS Free Webinar: How to Import Food to China Compliantly through Cross-border E-commerce and Interpretation on Related Regulations

With the high public attention and government support, the cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years. According to statistics, the total value of cross-border e-commerce trade is about 4200 billion with 35.5% growth rate in 2014 and 5200 billion with 23.8% growth rate in 2015, respectively. Correspondingly, dozens of regulations, notices have been published to supervise the trade behavior under cross-border e-commerce in recent years.
More and more overseas and domestic enterprises and comprehensive pilot areas in China have participated in cross-border e-commerce trade. In this webinar, expert from CIRS Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department will focus on the actual operation of doing business under cross-border e-commerce and inform you the existing requirements from the Chinese government and the supervision trend.   
1. Introduction on the basic information of cross-border e-commerce 
2. Cross-border e-commerce regulations framework
3. Difference between cross-border e-commerce trade and traditional trade
4. Procedures of importing food to China through cross-border e-commerce
5. Supervision trend in the near future
Please feel free to send the questions to cathy.yu@cirs-group.com. CIRS food technical team will collate and analyze the questions which may be addressed in the webinar.
Time & Schedule
Date Time Language Registration fee
5 April, 2016 21:30-22:30(GMT+8) English Free of charge
Ms. Alice Yang, Senior Regulatory Affairs Consultant, CIRS China
Ms. Alice Yang earned her master degree in food engineering from Zhejiang University. She has abundant experience on food regulatory compliance consulting. She has provided professional and practical services for several biggest overseas manufacturers/exporters in the world to make their prepackaged food compliant and import them into China market successfully. 
Who shall attend?
Overseas manufacturers/exporters, online trade platform and domestic importers involved in cross-border e-commerce trade.
Regulatory affairs specialists related to imported food service.
Responsible persons who are interested in cross-border e-commerce trade
How to register:
Click the link here to register.
After online registration, you will receive a link one day and one hour before the webinar starts. By clicking that link, you shall be able to join our webinar automatically. Please note that space is strictly limited to a maximum of 100 attendees.

Contact us
Hangzhou CIRS Co. Ltd (CIRS China)
11F Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Tel: +86-571 8720 6538 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533 
Email: Cathy.yu@cirs-group.com

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